Monday, July 23, 2012

Manuscript back from the editor

As excited as I was to have the manuscript back from the editor, it was short lived. Once it was opened, I was able to see all of the corrections. ON EVERY PAGE. Most of the adjustments are related to my crappy grammar skills. I knew this prior to sending the manuscript. This was then followed by an 11 page editorial letter. On a positive note, my editor finished up with some very supportive/positive words.

I now have a huge reading list and some grammar websites to become 'involved' with. I will have a phone conversation with my editor later in the week to discuss the manuscript. I hope that conversation goes well. Feeling a bit discouraged.

Friday, July 20, 2012

A big news friday

It is to the point, that I can't not post about the horrific shooting that took place at a midnight The Dark Knight rises movie, for numerous reasons. First and for most, as someone who supports mental health awareness. For those of you who have read the book(s), this is a large theme in the books. Money has been directed away from mental health and to "more important things" such as repaving the highway, to the prison systems, city buildings and just poor spending by counties and cities. Events like this can be prevented with good solid early detection and treatment of mental health concerns. Due to the ongoing stigma by society and the media (it is all over every new channel using words like psychopath and crazy), those have has issues and want to get help are fearful that they will loose their jobs, friends and become more isolated if they get help. Not to mention when they get to the help, their insurance company won't cover it, they can't afford their medications or they are told by people that are against mental health professionals that they don't need to take their medications. With proper funding given to mental health preventions and quick treatment, money can be saved from court costs, prison systems and health care in general (Not to mention saving some lives).

People like to throw around the statement "He should have been in an institution", need a reality check. There are gone, our government got rid of them. A long time ago at that. There are short term stabilization centers (what we call or think of a 'psych wards' - which they are not called anymore anyway).

We as a society need to change the way we perceive mental health. It is the same and any other chronic medical illness, (i.e. Asthma and Diabetes). These diseases can be lived with if medications are taken and those suffering with these illnesses see their providers as recommended. We need to support those seeking treatment, not alienate them or fear them. For those who blame gun laws. Yes, it is concerning that someone can have so many guns, it is not the way of expression that should be blamed. A car in the wrong hands can be just as deadly as a gun. We need to take care of the underlying problem (untreated mental health concerns) and not put bandaids on an open guessing wound (gun laws).

However, there is responsibility. If someone with mental health concerns is given the option of treatment and has medications available and chooses not to utilize what they have at their disposal, then they need to be held accountable for their actions that are a result of their failure to treat their conditions. It they wanted help or didn't know they needed help plus they could afford it or didn't have access, then we as a society are to blame.

Okay, I will get off my soap box now.

On a more book related note. I have been notified by my editor the book 1 is in the hands of the US postal service and is on it's way to me. It should arrive on Monday or Tuesday. I look forward to seeing it and getting a chance to see her changes. It will then be followed by a phone meeting or meetings and further direction from there.

I will keep you all updated. Thank you all for your support and keep all those involved in the shooting in your prayers (that includes the shooter's family and friends).

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Dark Knight

Going to see The Dark Knight tonight at midnight and excited to do so. However, this means I will be sleep deprived tomorrow. So no new updates on the book tonight and I'll probably just pass out tomorrow after work. However, I should have word from the editor of book 1 tomorrow. YEAH!

Got some good work done on book 2 yesterday, it is well over half done now. Looking forward to having some time to work on it over the weekend and into next week. I'm sure there will be attention focusing changes in the next couple weeks and I will keep you all up to date.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


As much as I talk about the rush I get from writing, some days I'm just tired. Tired from the job that pays the bills. I do love my other job, not as much as I love writing, but love it none the less. However, it sucks up a lot of time and energy. Some days I come home and just want to go to sleep and ignore the world.

I had a couple of hours to write and I found my self re-reading what I had already written and correcting that. I was able to clarify some things and add on information that needed to be in the book, but no new progress. I still have at least half of book two to write. I was wanting to have it mostly completed by the end of the month and I'm not sure that will happen now. I have no firm time frame that it has to be done, no deadlines waiting. I guess that is a good thing, less stress involved in the process.

I have also started to wonder if I should just combine all the books, into one longer book (maybe with some editing down), instead of 3 books on the shorter side. Just something that I've started to think about. I guess we will have to see how things pan out.

Getting more anxious about this friday (getting the first book back from the editor) or, since she is mailing it to me, when I will actually get to see it and talk with her about the changes. I don't wait well, so I'm concerned I will crawl out of my skin in the mean time (figuratively of course). Also starting to wonder about the job of shopping for a publisher.

I have several people on Twitter that I follow that talk about self-publishing. That sounds dandy and all, because then it defiantly gets published, but then I am responsible for my own publicity. I don't know how to do publicity. I know how to do my job (medical field) and how to write. If I knew how to do publicity, I would be a publicist. I want someone else to do that so that I can do my job.

I don't want to be famous, rich would be nice, but I know that likelihood that that will happen is slim to none. I would love to make enough money to cover the editing costs and any other costs that I have accrued so far, and would love to make enough to buy myself a cup of coffee at Starbucks. A victory cup of coffee.  I actually don't want any attention, just to hear the people are enjoying reading my blog and my books. That is why I write under a pen name. People paying too much attention to me could cause problems at my job and upset my 'quiet' family life. I guess it comes with the territory. If you get one, it is a package deal, and you get it all. Oh well. I am putting the chart miles ahead of the horse.


Monday, July 16, 2012


Spending time with a glass of White Lies and becoming engrossed with Ella and Jude. Their relationship seems to take on a life of their own. No tunes right now because the TV is on, we'll see how much I actually get written. However, I was able to close myself into a library "quiet" room tonight and finished the two half finished chapters. WOOHOO!

Maybe book 2 will be complete by the time I get the corrections for book 1. Wouldn't that be great. Then I could just trade them back and forth with the editor.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Moving along

I'm glad I had some quality time to spend with the book today. I have 4 completed chapters and 2 partial chapters (so 6 more or less). We'll see how much time this next week I have to devote to it. In two weeks, I will have a week to spend a much time on it as I want, but by then I may be engrossed in edits from the 1st book.

It's almost a rush when a chapter goes the way I had envisioned. I love doing this.

Soundtrack in my head

So people ask what influenced the books. That is easy. I was sick with a really bad cold (that actually eventually turned into pneumonia), had been working 55-60 hour work weeks, had been attacked at work and had gone out drinking with some of the guys from work = nightmares. So parts of the first and second book were a sequence of dreams in January of 2012 (more the first than the second). Now I am filling in the wonderful story of Ella, Jude and Naomi.

While writing, I have problems with distractions. Which unfortunately means that I can't watch my favorite shows or movies while writing. I get lost in their plots instead of my own. BUT, I love listening to music while I write and think of what is coming next. So here is book 2's soundtrack at the current time.

1. Somebody that I use to know - Gotye (the cover is also good)
2. We are young - FUN
3. Shake it out & Heavy in your arms - Florence and the Machine
4. Breathe me - Sia
5. Leave the memories alone - Fuel
6. Hey ya - Obadiah Parker
7. I need a hero - Andrew Spencer
8. LA song - Christian Kane
9. Hurt - Jonny Cash
10. Adele's entire 21
11. My entire DMB collection (which is extensive)
12. Of Monsters and Men entire My head is an animal

There are more but these are the ones that get played A LOT.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


I love it when I start writing and it just pours out. I could probably keep writing through the night but then I wouldn't be able to function tomorrow. I have to be able to do my other jobs/responsibilities. I think book 2 is coming along. I was able to edit what I have and get another 2 chapters in. Three full chapters and about 7,500 words (exactly where is should be).

Not so surprisingly, my editor is fine and everything is just as it should be. Can't wait to see where all of this goes.

Learn from my mistakes this process, to protect myself (so I thought), I had a lawyer adjust my contract with my editor. Friends and family backed my decision to do so. We talked about what I wanted and what needed to be changed in it if there would be a grievance filed.

What I thought it would do: Keep my work my work and make the process easier.

What it did: Kept my work my work, made me feel stupid and made things a pain.

***Note to self: Your editor is a great editor, who has been in the field much longer than you have. When she suggests something - DO IT! When she says "that's abnormal in a contract" - There is a reason.

Note to other authors in their first editing process: Get to know your editor, get recommendations from other authors for good editors and communicate with your editor.

I'll be surprised after I have the edits back on book 1 if she'll want to continue to work with me :(  I guess only time will tell.


I will be getting the edited version of my manuscript back on Friday and I haven't been this nervous in a while. I hope the editor will be truthful with her feelings and not say she likes it just to have my business.  There is nothing like continuing my own negative self-talk about my writing. SIGH! It only really matter what I think about the books, and I like what I've written so far. I just hope that I can take the constructive criticism well.

This weekend is going to be solid time to spend on book 2 and the week after to work on the newly edited book 1. I'll keep everyone posted on the updates from the upcoming week on book 2 and I'm sure you will all hear about the continued editing process of book 1.

Friday, July 13, 2012


I changed it and now I'm trying not to be angry at myself. A plot point that I was proud of myself for writing, I have changed. I know that it will be helpful into the third book and I will be able to do a subplot now, but I'm sort of disappointed. However, before it was changes I wasn't thrilled either. So I guess this is for the best. YOU WILL BE HAPPY NOW SARAH!!!

I have also started writing more of the solid content of book two. I hope it will be completed by the end of the month and ready for me to go back in and fill things in. That is what seems to work best for me.

In book 1, I wrote the first, seventh and last chapter first and filled in-between them. I worked wonderfully. I had to adjust the previously written chapters as content came, but it fit together. I don't think that I can just write the book front to back, it's not how it works for me. I seem to get the majority of my writing done when my family is asleep or busy doing other things. I have tried to write at Starbucks in the past, but I always seem to get distracted by other conversations going on around me.

Drowning out side noise with music helps direct the characters, which is dangerous for Ella in her relationship with Jude. (Poor Ella or is poor Jude - you'll have to decide!)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Book 2 progress

Finished the last chapter of book 2 last night. Great you may think, now I'll get to read the next book sooner. Alas, no. It is the only chapter of book 2 that is completed. I have a tendency to write the chapters out of order. I write what comes to me, when it comes. Parts of book two were written while I was still writing book 1.

In the perfect world, I would have a day filled with writing and spending time with my family, instead of spending all day at work. As much as I love my work, and I do, I wish that I could devote more time to the my writing. I feel driven to put plots down and actions of characters, but by the time I am home from work and have made dinner, sometimes all I have the energy for it putting a bullet point on the page it belongs. SIGH!!

I can't wait to see how all of you feel about the books and to see if allows for more time to write.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Title for the books

Okay. Since there are 3 books in this collection, I have some thoughts on the titles. Most of the character's names came from Greek mythology so my initial plan was:

Book 1 : Chi
Book 2: Psi
Book 3: Omega
       - This issues with this is that I would prefer the actual greek letters and I would want Psi to be first, but since there are 2 more books, it doesn't line up.  Maybe not the best idea, even though the dork in me still thinks it's cool.

Second idea from types of lightning

Book 1: Bolt from the blue
Book 2: Heat
Book 3: Red Sprite

Third idea (the best I think)

Book 1: Incipient
Book 2: Free Burn
Book 3: Smolder

I have another idea for just the first book that psych people should get - Prodrome
The issue is that I don't have an idea for the other 2 if I run with this one.  I guess time will tell. Let me know what you think of any of these ideas.


Good afternoon all. This is the first of hopefully many posts with updates about the manuscript(s). Currently, what will eventually be book 1, is in the able hands of my editor, Lindsey Alexander. I'll have it back later this month. This may sound like, once it back from the editor, it would be time to move on with publishing, but sadly no. This will be more like the middle of the process. After the changes have been made, more writing will occur, then followed by more editing. You see how this process occurs. Then agent and publishing (if I'm lucky).

One of the many concerns, if that they few people who have read the manuscript in the entirety (4 minus the editor) say they love it.  But is it "American Idol good", meaning the 3 people that have read it are close family or friends. Are they saying they like it because it is really good or  because they like me and don't want to hurt my feelings? Like the people that try out for American Idol and during the pre-interview have this long list of people that have told them what great singer they are, when they finally get onto stage, they find out they are horrible. I prefer honest. It saves feelings in the long run, along with time and money.

The positive thing: That my significant other, wouldn't let me spend the money or the time moving forward with this project if it was horrible.