Sunday, July 8, 2012

Title for the books

Okay. Since there are 3 books in this collection, I have some thoughts on the titles. Most of the character's names came from Greek mythology so my initial plan was:

Book 1 : Chi
Book 2: Psi
Book 3: Omega
       - This issues with this is that I would prefer the actual greek letters and I would want Psi to be first, but since there are 2 more books, it doesn't line up.  Maybe not the best idea, even though the dork in me still thinks it's cool.

Second idea from types of lightning

Book 1: Bolt from the blue
Book 2: Heat
Book 3: Red Sprite

Third idea (the best I think)

Book 1: Incipient
Book 2: Free Burn
Book 3: Smolder

I have another idea for just the first book that psych people should get - Prodrome
The issue is that I don't have an idea for the other 2 if I run with this one.  I guess time will tell. Let me know what you think of any of these ideas.

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