Monday, July 9, 2012

Book 2 progress

Finished the last chapter of book 2 last night. Great you may think, now I'll get to read the next book sooner. Alas, no. It is the only chapter of book 2 that is completed. I have a tendency to write the chapters out of order. I write what comes to me, when it comes. Parts of book two were written while I was still writing book 1.

In the perfect world, I would have a day filled with writing and spending time with my family, instead of spending all day at work. As much as I love my work, and I do, I wish that I could devote more time to the my writing. I feel driven to put plots down and actions of characters, but by the time I am home from work and have made dinner, sometimes all I have the energy for it putting a bullet point on the page it belongs. SIGH!!

I can't wait to see how all of you feel about the books and to see if allows for more time to write.

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